
Homemade Wrinkle Releaser

Want to save more money? Skip the expensive wrinkle releaser and make this simple homemade wrinkle releaser. It’s so inexpensive to make.

I am really bad with laundry. I, for some reason, can wash and dry the laundry, but can’t get it put away.

This means we are always and forever dealing with wrinkled clothes. Over the years I have realized wrinkle releaser is my best friend. I love how it quickly removes the wrinkles from our clothes.

The Downy brand that you buy in the store is great, the only problem is the price. I usually pay close to $5 a bottle.

So, when I came across this recipe here I was so excited. I have used this recipe of homemade wrinkle releaser for the last couple of years and it works great.

If you are tired of wrinkles in your clothes and don’t want to pull out the iron check out how to make homemade wrinkle release spray.

How To Make Homemade Wrinkle Release Spray

To make the homemade wrinkle releaser you will need a few things.

  • Spray Bottle
  • Water
  • Fabric Softener

I have tried different kinds of fabric softener and can’t tell the difference, so I just stick with the cheapest or on sale that week.

Also if you travel a lot you may want to make up an airplane approved sized plastic spray bottle to travel with you too. My husband loves the DIY wrinkle release spray when he has to travel for work.

Getting Started Making Wrinkle Releaser


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