Silverfish or fish moths are tiny insects with carrot-shaped bodies, they are often white, brownish-grey, or bluish-silver in color. They are nocturnal creatures so they come out at night only to search for food.
Therefore, just like termites, they can go undetected for a long period, and cause destruction on your belongings.
These silvery insects feed on starch and animal protein; consequently, they are especially attracted to damp clothing and paper.
Once they have gained a footing in your house, they get to work, silently destroying clothes, papers, books, leather items, and even wallpaper.
OKC pest control has even heard reports of people finding them in unopened food packages!
Silverfish are most commonly found in laundry rooms, kitchens, damp cabinets or cupboards, basements, and attics as they prefer cold, dark, and damp places.
Here we will explain eight (8)ways to solve your silverfish problems.
1. Essential Oil Combo
For this, you will need:
1 cup of water
1 cup white vinegar
1 tablespoon boric acid
8 drops of Tea Tree Oil
8 drops of Lavender Oil
Combine all the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well. Spray in all infested areas to eradicate silverfish.
2. Use Clove Essential Oils
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