
How Long Does Splat Hair Dye Last?

I love separating hair into sections; I don’t know about you.

If you have a separate technique you have been using, feel free to continue with the method.

But if you want to try this method, divide your hair into four sections and hold each section with a clip before applying dye.

6. Apply the hair dye

Before you apply the dye, make sure you shake the dye bottle very well and also make sure your hair is dry.

You can pour the dye into a bowl and use a brush to apply the color, or cover the dye bottle with the applicator tip and apply.

If you’re using the sections technique, apply the dye section by section.

After that, cover hair with a shower cap and let the dye stay on your hair for 40- 60 minutes. But if it starts itching and hurting you before time, rinse it off immediately.

For the rinsing, make sure you use cold water. After that, shampoo and condition your hair.

Here’s a video tutorial on how to dye your hair with splat hair dye.




Tips to Make Splat Hair Dye Last Longer

Take this as an aftercare tip, add it to your experience, and believe something good is coming.

  • Firstly and foremost, you will have to change your wardrobe. I mean, your hair care product. I recommend you get shampoo for color-treated hair if you don’t have.
  • Many ladies prefer washing hair with warm water. But I will tell you to avoid this method.
  • Minimize the use of heating tools. These tools do more of the fading job.
  • Also, wash hair once in a while. Let’s say at most twice in a week or two, depending on how long you can carry it.
  • If you love swimming, make sure you protect your hair before entering the pool and wash the hair after swimming.

Keep in mind that some color fades faster than the others (for example, the blue color quickly starts fading to green in 2-3 weeks).

Whenever you notice that the color is fading, give it a touch-up, and you are back inline.

FAQs & Conclusion

Q: How long does splat last without bleach?

Splat without bleach can last between 5-15 washes, depending on hair texture, color, and overall hair care routine.

I believe you have heard a lot about Arctic fox hair dye as well. Right?

My clients have tried to compare it with splat hair dye. But trust me, both brands are good.

Reviewers so far said arctic fox hair dye is better than splat hair dye and in all aspects.

Well, I won’t just pass judgment from experience. So I will let you do the review.

Now I would love to hear from you as well:

When comparing arctic fox hair dye vs. splat hair dye, which do you think works better and last longer?


Or maybe you have tried splat hair dye and got something interesting to share with us.

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