Start by spraying any spots or stains that you have on your mattress. I use an upholstery cleaner that is two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part dawn soap.
Let it sit for a minute or two and then scrub the mattress stain with a microfiber cloth. If it is really set in you may want to spray again and let it sit for about 5 minutes.
Once you have removed all the spots let the mattress air out for a couple of hours. If you have a ceiling fan I recommend turning it on to help the mattress dry faster.
Put the lid on the canning jar and give it a couple of good shakes. Sprinkle the baking soda mixture over the mattress and let sit for about one hour. The baking soda will help absorb any funky smells you have in your mattress and the lavender will help your mattress smell great. Plus, lavender can help you sleep well at night so it’s a win-win.
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After an hour or two vacuum up all the baking soda mixture and then slowly vacuum over the mattress one more time. Don’t forget to do the sides of the mattress too.
Not only does it make your mattress smell better, but hopefully there is fewer dust mites and dead skin too. You can put back on your sheets and have a great night of sleep knowing that your mattress is clean.
Once you know how to clean a mattress you can do it every 6 months or so will help keep your mattress smelling great. If you want to protect your mattress from stains and smells you can get a waterproof mattress pad.