
How to clean an oily keyboard very quickly

Our keyboards get greasy very easily especially when we use them a lot. Typing with a greasy keyboard can be somewhat uncomfortable at times but in today’s article, I will show you how to clean an oily keyboard in less than ten minutes.

Why is my keyboard greasy?

This is something that a lot of people want to know and it could be for certain reasons. One of these reasons could be food-related. When we eat chips, chicken and other greasy foods it makes our fingers really greasy and most times we don’t clean them before using the keyboard. Even if we wash our hands before using the keyboard, it will eventually get greasy because of sweat, etc.

Now what I’m trying to say is that our keyboards will eventually get greasy, however, this doesn’t mean that we can’t do anything about it. The main reason I wrote this article was to show you that cleaning an oily/greasy keyboard isn’t hard.

I will now show you how to clean a greasy keyboard.

Things to do before cleaning a greasy keyboard

Before I can show you how to clean your keyboard there are some things you need to do first so that you don’t damage it or the things around it.

Unplug the keyboard

This is something that everyone should do when cleaning an external keyboard. The reason why you should do this is to prevent any electrical issues within the keyboard.

Clear the desk


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