Concentrated isoprpyl alcohol
Its ok to use regular diluted rubbing alcohol but its best not to use the concentrated one. The reason why is because using concentrated isoprpyl rubbing alcohol on a keyboard may damage the material the keyboard is made out of.
Vinegar is great for cleaning a lot of things but keyboards aren’t one of them. First of all vinegar has a really strong smell so it would be unbearable to be constantly smelling vinegar while on your computer, not only that but your fingers would smell like it as well. Another reason you should not use vinegar to clean your keyboard is because it may damage the plastic on it.
Nail polish remover
If you don’t have regular rubbing alcohol but the closest thing you have is nail polish remover. Think twice before using it to clean your keyboard. The reason why is because nail polish remover is very harsh and usinit it on your keyboard may damage the plastic it is made out of.
Liquid sprays
Using liquid sprays to clean your keyboard isnt a bad thing but spraying them directly on to the keyboard will most liley cause some electrical issues, because the liquid will drain down from the keys into the interior of the keyboard and this may cause it to stop working.
Steel wool
A steel woool would only scrape the keyboard badly and it would make it look old and extremely worn down.
Don’t use any type of soap onto keyboard because doing this will make the keys sticky and it will also leave soap stains/marks all over the keyboard.
How to prevent keyboard from getting greasy
The simplest way to prevent your keyboard from getting greasy is to wash and dry your hands before using it. Even if we didn’t touch anyhting at all before using our keyboards; our fingers would still get greasy because of sweat. So its best to wash your hands before using the keyboard.