For this step, all you have to do is dry the baseboards with a large dry cleaning towel, extendable duster, or a dry mop. Either way, make sure that the baseboards are dry.
How to prevent baseboards from getting dirty
To prevent your baseboards from getting dusty you need to do at least one of the following:
1. Dust removal hacks
I made an article a while ago that will show you how to remove dust build-up in your home. These dust removal hacks/tips will come in handy if you want to know how to keep your baseboards from getting dusty.
2 Use dryer sheets
This might sound a bit weird but trust me, this is one of the best ways to prevent your baseboards from getting too dusty. All you have to do is rub a piece of dryer sheet all over the baseboards. The reason why dryer sheet is great for reducing dust build-up on baseboards is that they contain some ingredients that repel dust. Not only do dryer sheets repel dust from your baseboards but they will also clean them as well.
How often should you clean your baseboards?
Baseboards tend to get dirty very easily and this is because they are near to the ground where there is a lot of dirt and dust. So it’s always important to clean your baseboards once a month or every other month. The reason why you shouldn’t clean your baseboards more often is because you don’t want to ruin the paint.
The best ways to clean your baseboards; Baseboard cleaning hacks
Throughout this article, I showed you how to clean your baseboards without bending over. But now I will show you some incredible baseboard cleaning hacks that I think everyone should know.
Use hydrogen peroxide to restore baseboard color
This may sound weird but hydrogen peroxide can be used to restore the color of any dirty baseboards. To do this all you need to do is to get a pour hydrogen peroxide all over the microfiber cloth on the broom and use it to wipe down the baseboard.
Doing this will restore the baseboard color.
Magic eraser
Using a magic eraser is a great way to clean your baseboards. They are good at absorbing and cleaning away dirt and grime.
Baseboard cleaner spray
To make your own baseboard cleaner spray you need to do the following. Get a spray bottle filled halfway up with warm water and add 1tbsp of dish soap and 1 cup of vinegar into it. Now shake the mixture together. Now you have your own baseboard cleaner spray.