I frequently get this question asked, how to clean floor grout without scrubbing? This is a smart question as it may not be a wise idea to scrub the grout. This can soften the grout causing the tiles to become loose, ever think of that? Here in this article, we’ll take a look at how to clean floor grout without scrubbing to avoid breaking our backs and damaging the grout.
Why Does Floor Grout Get Dirty?
There are many reasons why floor grout gets dirty easily. One of the main reasons is the lack of regular cleaning and care. There are also others to look at. Whatever the cause of the discolored grout, It all scrambles down to how to clean floor grout. Which follows shortly, but first check out these reasons why your grout is dirty.
1. Here Are The Reasons…
Grout is made up of cement, water, and sand. The last time I checked these are absorbing elements, and on the flip side hold things together. This very grout is laid between two tiles to hold them in place. This also attracts dust grease and dirt and eventually becomes a part of the grout. That’s where the dirty look comes from. Trying to clean a dirty grout most times requires vigorous scrubbing and as mentioned before can actually remove the grout. This article will find a way around that, but first, try doing this.
2. Understanding The Grout
Because grout is part of the floor it is prone to dirt and residues of all kinds. The way the floor is cleaned helps with the cleanliness of the grout. Well, most times the person trying to clean the dirty grout has no control of how it got that way.
3. KEEP IN MIND…Grout can become discolored during the mixing process. This happens when too much water is added to the grout powder or not allowing the grout to cure long enough.
This is why understanding the color of the grout helps with how you clean it. With this type of discoloration cleaning to change the color is hopeless. However, the good news is, if you know the color of grout and know that it is stained, get your tools, and get ready to clean that floor grout.
 Cleaning The Wrong Way
Is there a right way to clean grout, well, not exactly right, but the method in which it is cleaned and the chemicals used to clean the grout is important? Here are a few examples…
1. Allowing oily and dirty water to settle on the grout. When the floor is mopped ensure that there is no excess water left on the tile as this will settle on the grout. The grout then absorbs the filthy water which causes discoloration.
2. Not cleaning the floor as often as it should. A tile floor should be mopped at least once per week or as necessary. When caring for floors that have grout spills and dust should be mopped, vacuumed, or swept immediately. Allowing these to settle in the grout will result in stains. Here are the cleaners you’ll need…
The Best Household Products For Grout And Tile Cleaning
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