

  • Distilled vinegar
  • Baking Soda
  • Oxiclean
  • Hydrogen peroxide Dish soap
  • Clorox bleach foamer

Top Choice Commercial Grout Cleaner:

  • Zep Grout Cleaner and Brightener
  • Soft Scrub Cleanser With Bleach.
  • TECH 128 oz. Grout Cleaner…
  • Krud Kutter KK32 Original Concentrated Cleaner/Degreaser

The Easiest Way To Clean Floor Grout Without Scrubbing

The best way to clean floor grout without scrubbing is to use the correct scrubber which would be a mop. There is a trick into which mop is the perfect one for cleaning tile floor grout. Here is why using the proper mop leaves you with cleaner grout. The other good thing is you won’t need to scrub.

 Using the wrong mop. Using a pad which is the most modern household way of mopping can leave behind settled water and dirt on the grout. Go vintage and get hold of an old-fashioned mop. This type of mop is more aggressive and its long strand will get between the tiles absorbing the water and cleaning the dirt. This leads directly to cleaning floor grout without scrubbing.

Best Mops For Cleaning Tile Floors :

  • Spray mop for floor…
  • O-Cedar Microfiber mop…
  • Telescopic mop/ O-Cedar mop heavy duty…

How To Clean Floor Grout Without Scrubbing__5 Easy Steps

How to clean floor grout without scrubbing

With all that is said. let’s get straight into cleaning floor grout. Here are five easy peasy tips for cleaning floor grout. The below-listed cleaning methods are to clean marble and ceramic tile grout.

Tip 1. Vinegar And Baking Soda

  • Combine a mixture of part baking soda and part industrial vinegar
  • Mix in until it thickens into a paste
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to apply to the paste on the grout
  • Allow sitting for 1/2 hour
  • Use a wet mop to wipe the treated area focusing on the grout
  • Rinse the mop and squeeze almost dry
  • Wipe the floor a second time

Tip 2. Hydrogen Peroxide And Baking Soda

  • Sweep the floor to remove debris
  • Make a solution of part baking soda and part hydrogen peroxide in a container
  • Mix until it becomes a paste
  • Use a spatula or toothbrush to apply the paste to the grout
  • Let it sit there for 15 minutes
  • Sprinkle a splash of warm water on the treated area
  • Use a soft bristle broom to sweep in between the tiles back and forth
  • Wipe with a large damp towel

Tip.3 Soap, Water, Bucket, And A Broom

  • Fill a bucket with warm water
  • Pour in a bit of Dawn dish soap. Measure the amount of soap based on the amount of water. Dawn dish soap can become overly foamy. The dish soap can be replaced with OxiClean
  • Submerge the mop and wash the floor for a few minutes
  • Dry well with a clean damp mop ensuring the grout is completely dried

Tip.4 Overnight Floor Grout Treatment

  • Make a paste solution using
  • 1 cup baking soda 1/2 cup powdered laundry detergent and 1cup hydrogen peroxide
  • Apply the paste on the grout
  • Leave it and go to bed
  • In the morning wipe twice with a damp cloth or mop

Tip.5 Steam It Up

  • Get hold of a steamer
  • Attach the necessary nozzle
  • Apply moisture and heat
  • Do this for 5- 10 minutes depends on the size of the area
  • Take your time while doing this
  • When you’re through wipe with a damp mop twice

How To Clean Grout…

Step.1 Remove the loose dirt with a wet mop or towel.

Step.2 Combine 1/2 cup baking soda 1 Oxiclean 1 cup hydrogen peroxide

Step. 4 mix together until it thickens

Step. 5 Apply to the grout with an old toothbrush

Step.6 Allow sitting for 15-30 minutes

Step. 7 Cover the bristle of a broom with a microfiber rag and wipe the grout. Do this for a few minutes

Step. 8 wipe twice with a wet towel focusing on the grout

How To Clean White Grout

How to clean white floor grout

To clean white floor grout an aggressive cleaner is required… Clorox bleach foamer. This household is highly acidic and works fast in removing stains and discolorations. Here is how easy it is.


Step.1 Wear a face mask

Step.2 Sweep the floor to remove dust and other particles

Step.3 Spray the grout with Clorox bleach foamer following the lines

Step.4 Allow sitting For 10-15 minutes

Step.5 Open the doors and windows and leave the room to avoid the strong fumes

Step.6 Wipe with a wet mop twice and dry well with a dry towel

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