
How to clean shoelaces

No one likes to have dirty sneaker shoelaces. They can make the rest of your shoes look dirty even though they might be clean. Today I will show you how to clean shoelaces whether it’s white or colored.

How to clean shoelaces by hand

When cleaning shoelaces you have to make sure that you are cleaning them based on their colors and how dirty they are. If your shoelaces are white then you might want to wash them with bleach, if they are colored then you cant use bleach and other harsh chemicals to clean them or they’ll lose their color.

I am now going to show you how to clean your shoelaces based on color.

Cleaning white shoelaces

When cleaning white shoelaces there are different methods which you can use. Some methods may work differently for most people. The following are some of the best methods to use when cleaning white shoelaces:

Using Oxi clean stain remover:

  1. Get a small dish or container and add 2-3 cups of warm water into it. Then add 1 cup of oxi clean stain remover into it.
  2. Remove the laces from the shoe and place them into the water.
  3. Now get an unused toothbrush and place the bristles into the mixture and use it to clean the shoelaces. Make sure to brush away all the dirt and grime from the laces.
  4. After cleaning the shoelaces with the toothbrush, pour out the water from the container and rinse the laces under running water. When rinsing them make sure that you get all the soap out of them.
  5. (optional)-If there are still visible stains or dirt on the shoelaces then let them soak for an hour or two.
  6. Now it’s time to dry the white shoelaces. If you don’t want your shoelaces to shrink then it’s best to air dry them. To air dry them the only thing you need to do is hang them up somewhere.

Using Bleach:


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