

How to clean carpet with a machine?

Cleaning a carpet with a machine is pretty simple. All you have to do is just use a vacuum or call a vacuum cleaner.

You can even use a Roomba to do the job. But if your carpet smells bad and you want to fox that. Just sprinkle borax all over the carpet and let it sit there for an hour or 2, then use a vacuum cleaner to suck up all the borax residue.

Doing this will make your carpet smell way better than before.

You can also use baking soda instead of borax.


Most times when we clean carpets we usually focus on the ones in our homes. But most times the ones in our cars are very filthy. Luckily they aren’t hard to clean. You can oftentimes clean your dirty car carpets with a hose and a sponge.

But sometimes they aren’t as easy to clean. They usually become hard to clean when they aren’t being washed very often. You can try out different carpet cleaning hacks, such as using baking soda.

How to clean car carpet with baking soda

To clean your car carpet with baking soda the first thing you need to do is remove the carpets from the car. Then get a bucket of water or hose and rinse the car carpet. Now get a sponge and add a few drops of dish soap to it. Now sprinkle around 6 tbsp worth of baking soda onto the carpet and use the sponge to clean it. Be sure to scrub everywhere on the carpet. You can also use a cleaning brush instead of a sponge. When you are finished cleaning the carpet just pour a bucket of water on the carpet to rinse it off. You can also just use a hose. After that get a dry cloth and wipe the carpet until is dry. Before putting them back into the car I would recommend that you hang them somewhere they can dry easily.

Now that’s how you deep clean your car carpet with baking soda. Using this car carpet cleaning trick you can even remove stains as well. It will also make your carpet smell much better as baking soda is also good at deodorizing things.


Soup is very delicious and good for you. But you want to know what isn’t really good? Spilling soup all over your carpet. When this happens it can ruin the material of your carpet and the longer it stays the harder it is to clean the carpet. This is even worse when it’s tomato soup. But first I will show you how to clean ordinary soup out of your carpet.

The first thing you want to do is get a small dish or a bowl filled with warm water. Then add a few drops of dish soap into it. Now dip a cloth into the water and use it to gently scrub the area where the soup was spilled. After that rinse the excess soup out of the cloth and dip it back into the water/dish soap mixture, then use it to clean the soup-stained area gain. Repeat this until you don’t see any more of the soup on the carpet.

Now use another dry cloth to wipe up the soap and moisture that’s on the carpet. That’s how you can soup out of the carpet.

Now, this trick works for many different soups but it doesn’t really work well on tomato soup. But don’t worry I will show you how to get tomato soup out of your carpet.

How to get tomato soup out of your carpet

Getting tomato soup out of your carpet is slightly more difficult than cleaning other soup out of it. To get tomato soup out of your carpet you first need to place paper towels on top of the spilled tomato soup. You can either wait until it gets absorbed or you can use the paper towels as a scoop and scoop up some of the spilled tomato soup. Either way, your aim is to get rid of most of the spilled tomato soup. After that you need a few things:

  • A large dish/bowl
  • 3 cups of warm water
  • 2 cups of vinegar
  • 1 cup of rubbing alcohol
  • 3 tbsp of dish soap

Mix all of these into the large bowl and dip a cleaning cloth into it. Then use the cloth to gently scrub the tomato soup spilled area of the carpet. After scrubbing rinse out the cloth and dip it back into the mixture and wipe the soup spilled area again. Keep repeating this until the carpet is clean. After that just that area of the carpet dry.

I would recommend you to use 1 drop of your favorite essential oil on that area of the carpet so it can smell better.

You can also use this cleaning hack to get cinnamon stains out of your carpet.

How to clean lotion out of carpet

You might be wondering “does lotion stain carpet” and the answer to that is yes but it’s not hard to clean away the stains. All you have to do is get a small dish of water and a cleaning brush ( you can use an old toothbrush) and gently scrub the lotion-stained area of the carpet. The dried lotion stain will be removed from the carpet in no time. You can also use a dry cleaning solvent for this. You can get one at your local store or online.

You can use this cleaning method to even get the dried lotion out of your clothes.

I hope these tips on how to clean your carpet really came in handy.

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