
How To Disinfect Laundry

Trying to stop the spread of viruses? Check out these easy tips on how to disinfect laundry. You can easily sanitize laundry with or without bleach.

A few years ago when my husband got the stomach flu I was shocked to find out that washing clothes in hot water doesn’t necessarily disinfect them.

I had always assumed that I was fine as long as I was using hot water.

During that time I did a good deal of research into disinfecting and sanitizing laundry.

It completely changed the way I do laundry.

Whether it is cold and flu season or you are just trying to keep away the nasty virus that is going around check out these great tips on how to disinfect laundry.

Disinfecting your laundry is pretty easy and really doesn’t take any more time than just doing your regular loads.

You can use bleach to disinfect if you are cleaning whites, or you can also use other disinfectant additives to clean just about all of your laundry.

Check out everything you need below to get started santizing your laundry.

Getting Started

To get started you will need a few things.

  • Laundry Detergent
  • Bleach
  • or Laundry Sanitizer

Disinfecting Laundry With a Laundry Sanitizer


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