
How to Do Baby Massage

  • Baby massages should be done at a time when you are feeling relaxed. Your baby should also be relaxed but alert. Massaging a fussy baby beats the point because it will only make her fussier. So wait for her to calm down.
  • The best time for a baby massage is either after a diaper change or a bath. Your baby is more relaxed at such times.
  • The environment surrounding your massage should be quiet and warm.
  • Remove any jewelry before you massage your baby including your wedding ring. Such jewelry can injure your baby.
  • Before you massage your baby, remove all her clothing and leave her with only her diaper.
  • Place her face up on a smooth surface overlaid with a soft towel or blanket. Use a baby pillow to support her head
  • Start by pouring some baby oil on your hands then gently rub your baby’s arms and palms with your thumbs so that she can get tuned to you.
  • Baby massages should start from the legs going up. You can do this for 10 to 15 minutes.

Baby massages are of different kinds. It could be either a leg, belly, arm, neck, colic-relief or full body massage. Whichever type you choose, they are all good for your baby. Just remember to be gentle on her skin and not pressing too hard. Babies love massages. They might just sleep away as you massage them.

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