How to Effectively Prevent Gout And Joint Pain by Removing Uric Acid Crystallization From The Body
Gout is a type of arthritis which leads to inflamed joints, and is often manifested by severe pain, stiffness, and swellings.
Its root cause is the excessive amounts of uric acid in the body, which accumulates and forms hard crystals in the joints.
It is created by decomposing purines, chemicals which naturally occur within the body and are also included in certain foods. Therefore, the intake of high-purine foods may increase the uric acid levels in the body and cause the development of gout.
Therefore, in order to treat gout, you should reduce the levels of uric acid in the body, and the best way to achieve it is to make some changes in your lifestyle and diet.
Initially, you need to reduce the intake of seafood and meat, as they are high in purines, and their excessive consumption may cause gout.
On the other hand, you should consume more whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, lentils, beans, and asparagus are very low in purines.
It is also very important to limit the intake of processed sugars like high- fructose corn syrup, foods rich in saturated fats, and alcohol.
Since being overweight greatly contributes to the development of gout, make sure you regularly exercise and follow a healthy and balanced diet. Water is also of crucial importance, as it hydrates the body and helps the removal of uric acid from the body. Therefore, drink plenty of water, as well as herbal teas, natural and freshly squeezed juices, and fruit infused water.
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