
How to get red wine out of carpet

These two make the best cleaning combination. You can clean almost any surface when you mix both vinegar and baking soda and in this case, they are an excellent choice for getting red wine stains out of your carpet. To do this all you have to do is pour some vinegar over the red wine stain and immediately sprinkle some baking soda on it as well. Let the mixture sit on the stain for 1-2 minutes then after that use a clean microfiber cloth to blot the stain or use a cleaning brush.

Will baking soda bleach the carpet?

While Baking soda won’t necessarily bleach your carpet if you leave too much on it for a very long time then you might see some sort of discoloration.

Vinegar and dish soap

This is yet another great way of cleaning the red wine stains out of your carpet. To do this you need to squeeze some dish soap onto the stain and then pour some vinegar on it as well. Now use a brush (toothbrush or cleaning brush) to scrub the red wine spillage out of your carpet, but make sure you are not spreading it. Keep doing this until the stain is no longer visible, however, it’s best to start using water instead of vinegar if you are planning to do this multiple times.


If the red wine stain is already dried up then it’s best to wet the stain and add a decent amount of salt to it. After doing this make sure to leave the salt on the stain until the next morning. This is a great way to absorb the red wine out of your carpet without blotting. The next thing you should do is vacuum the salt. If you realize that there is still some stain left then it’s best to get a damp cloth and clean it.

Stain remover

If you don’t want to use any of the tips I’ve mentioned then it’s best to use a regular carpet stain remover to do the job.

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