
How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight 12 Remedies That Work

Lemon Juice is rich in vitamin C and that helps to dry out the pimple very fast.

What You Need To Do:

  • Dip a cotton ball in fresh lemon juice and apply it on the pimples before going to bed and wash it off with warm water in the morning.
  • You can even mix little amount of lemon juice with cinnamon powder and apply it on your pimples to see excellent results.

#4 Aloe Vera:
The anti inflammatory and healing properties in aloe vera are effectively used in acne treatments. It even contains salicylic acid and sulphur that prevents pimples easily.

What You Need To Do:

Take little amount of ale vera gel and apply it on the pimples and leave it overnight.

#5 Aspirin And Warm Water:
Aspirin contains salycilic acid which is effective in treating acne.

What You Need To Do:

Crush aspirin pill and add little amount of warm water to form like a thick paste and apply it on pimples of your skin.
#6 Ice:
Ice has the ability to reduce inflammation, redness and swelling caused by pimples.

What You Need To Do:

  • Take few cubes of ice and wrap them in a cotton towel and apply it to your pimple for few minutes.
  • Don’t keep it for long because it results in causing burning sensation on your skin.

#7 Lavender Essential Oil:
The anti bacterial, antiseptic and anti inflammatory properties in lavender essential oil works perfect in preventing pimples and healing them accurately.

What You Need To Do:

Apply a drop of lavender essential oil on pimple and let it dry and reapply after few hours or leave it overnight.

#8 Tea Tree Oil:
Tea tree oil is effective in reducing inflammation and fights against bacteria that cause acne due to its powerful anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties.

What You Need To Do:

Add few drops of tea tree oil to one table spoon of coconut oil and apply it on your pimple and leave it overnight.

#9 Sesame Oil:
Sesame oil contains protein and antioxidant compound called sesamol. It even contains Vitamin A and E that smoothens your skin and unclog the pores of your skin.

What You Need To Do:

  • Soak cotton ball in a teaspoon of sesame oil and apply it on your pimple.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off with mild cleanser.

#10 Green Tea:

Green tea not only helps you in losing weight and maintaining healthy body. It is also effective in reducing skin infections including acne. The anti inflammatory properties in green tea fights against inflammation that caused by pimples due to its high content of flavonoids.

What You Need To Do:

Steep green tea bag and apply it on the affected areas.

#11 Steam:

Steaming will allow your skin pores to breathe and helps to get rid of oils, dirt and bacteria in your pores that cause inflammation.

What You Need To Do:

  • Boil a small pot of water and pour them in a large bowl once it reaches to highest boiling point.
  • Steam your face with a towel over your head by adding few drops of any essential oil.
  • Do it for 5-10 minutes and then relax. Repeat it for 2 times in a day.

#12 Honey And Cinnamon Mask:

Honey and cinnamon both are excellent sources of antioxidants that fight against bacteria and reducing inflammation caused by acne.

What You Need To Do:

Take one tea spoon of honey and ½ tea spoon of cinnamon, mix them together.
Apply it directly on your pimples and leave it overnight to get rid of acne.

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