
How to Get Rid of Flies Outside

Flies can be a nuisance, especially when they intrude on outdoor activities. We consulted with experts to discover effective ways to manage fly populations and keep them at bay.

No one wants flies buzzing around their face or landing on their food, especially considering the germs they carry. The most common types encountered around homes are houseflies and blow flies, both categorized as “filth flies” by scientists.

While dealing with a few flies is manageable, tackling an infestation requires a strategic approach. Our experts shed light on the causes of fly infestations and shared effective methods for eliminating them from outdoor spaces around your home.

What Types of Flies Exist?

There are over 120,000 species of flies worldwide, with around 18,000 common species found in North America. Some of these include:

  • – House flies
  • – Stable flies
  • – Green bottle flies
  • – Black flies
  • – Cluster flies
  • – Horseflies
  • – Fruit flies
  • – Mayflies

Where do Flies Come From?

Flies typically originate outdoors and find their way into homes through damaged doors, windows, or torn screens. They lay their eggs in places like garbage cans, compost piles, animal waste, and decaying organic matter. Despite their short lifespans, flies reproduce rapidly. A female fly can lay between 75 and 150 eggs at a time.

  • Houseflies are widespread due to their rapid reproduction rates and can travel up to 20 miles from where they hatched, although they usually stay within a mile of their birthplace.
  • Fruit flies are commonly found indoors as they’re attracted to food waste. They often enter homes along with fruits and other perishable items.
  • Horseflies typically remain outdoors but may accidentally enter homes through open windows.

Recognizing a Fly Infestation


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