
How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles

Forehead wrinkles got you feeling down? As one of the top skincare aging concerns, you’re definitely not alone. While wrinkles naturally come with age, they can also be accelerated by factors such as excessive sunlight, stress and dehydration. Fortunately, there are lifestyle changes you can make and products you can use to minimize the appearance of fine lines. If you want to get rid of forehead wrinkles, learn all about our favourite tips and tricks below!

What Causes Forehead Wrinkles?

Just like other skincare concerns, forehead wrinkles develop due to age, but there are other factors that can increase your risk of forehead wrinkles. Excessive sun exposure is one of the biggest risks for any skin concern as it slows the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin. Repetitive forehead facial expressions such as raising your eyebrows also contribute to wrinkles. Other factors include staring into screens, stress, air pollution, dehydration and genetics.

5 Tips to Prevent Forehead Wrinkles

1. Restrict Sun Protection
Sun exposure plays a huge role in the look and health of your skin. The more sun you get, the drier, spottier and looser your skin will become over time. Make sure to wear sunscreen with at least 30 SPF every day. This will help shield your skin against the sun’s damaging effects. Wearing sunglasses outside will also prevent you from squinting and frowning, which can lead to forehead wrinkles.

2. Drink Lots of H20
One of the main culprits of wrinkles is skin dehydration. Make sure you’re getting adequate water intake to maintain healthy and moisturized skin. Water is essential for proper organ function, and your skin is your body’s largest organ. Drink plenty of water to keep your body well hydrated, and limit diuretics such as coffee and energy drinks that can lead to dehydration.

3. Eat An Antioxidant Rich Diet


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