
How to Get Rid of Moles Naturally and Fast ?

Pineapple is known to lighten the moles color fast. It contains citric acid which can make them less visible. Pineapple is effective for flat moles more than the raised one. It is quite soothing for skin as it has anti-inflammatory qualities.

Dip a cotton ball in fresh pineapple juice. Gently rub the mole with cotton ball.
Leave it to get absorbed by the skin. Repeat this process several times a day.
Instead of pineapple juice, try other citrus juice like lemon, sweet lime, gooseberries.

4. Use The Baking Soda
Baking soda is another very effective substance in removing moles, spots and other blemishes. Baking soda is a natural exfoliator, which helps in removing the dead cells around moles fast. Also, It does not tend to form a scar or marks after removing moles.

Mix a little bit of baking soda with a few drops of castor oil. You can also add a little bit of powdered aspirin to it. Rub the mixture together on your mole.
Leave it to dry for some time and repeat this process twice a day.

5. Onion Juice to Get Rid of Moles Naturally on Your Skin
Onion juice is also one of the most useful home remedies to get rid of moles on the skin. It has excellent acidic properties that help to maintain even skin tone. It has sulfur, B complex, Vitamin A, C, and E, that are amazing for healthy skin. Here are the methods.

Mix together, same amount of onion juice and apple cider vinegar. Apply it on your moles and let it dry. Repeat this process for 4-6 weeks to get rid of moles.

Alternatively, squeeze out some fresh onion juice. Apply it on the affected skin using a cotton ball. Let it get absorbed by the skin naturally. Repeat it 2 to 3 times a day until you see visible results.

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