
How to Lose Chubby Cheeks in 10 days

Facial Exercises:

Here are some basic and most effective faciagl exercises that target your facial fat, tighten the area around your cheekbones, and elongate your facial muscles.

  • Guppy: You can do this simple exercise during any time of the day. Just suck your cheeks and lips in like a guppy or fish and try to smile. Hold the position for 10 seconds or until you feel the burn in your cheeks and jaws. Repeat 20 times.

This exercise stimulates blood flow and targets the fat on your lower cheeks.

  • Tongue-twister: Another simple exercise to target the fat around your lower cheeks is the tongue-twister.

Simply rotate your tongue inside the mouth with your lips closed in circular motions. Make sure you touch the outer surface of all your teeth with the tongue. Do this 10 times each in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction.

  • Kiss the Sky: Tilt your head upwards and keep your eyes towards the sky or the ceiling if you’re inside. Now hold your lips as tight as possible as if you are trying to kiss the sky. Hold yourself in the kissing position for about 15 seconds and repeat 20 times.

This exercise stretches most of the facial muscles including your jaw, throat, and neck. Make sure you only use your lips during this exercise.

  • Hum and breathe: There are two parts to this exercise. First, close your lips and make chewing motion using your lower jaw. Now hum and count your breath. After 10 breaths stop to relax. In the second part, open your mouth and stick your tongue to the lower front teeth from the front. Again hum and count for 10 breaths. Repeat both parts 20 times.

This exercise will give you an amazing jawline and tone your facial muscles.

  • Tongue Stretcher: Push out your tongue as much as possible while pulling your cheeks behind. Stay at this position for 10 seconds and then relax. Repeat 20 times.

This is a great exercise to burn face fat quickly while toning your jaw muscles.

  • Lick the chin: Another great face-fat burning exercise is Lick the chin. Stretch out your tongue as much as possible to lick your chin area using the back of your tongue. Try to go as low as possible and pull back your cheeks to the maximum extent. Stay at this position for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat 10-15 times.

You will get dehydrated after this exercise quickly so keep a bottle of water handy.

If you love yoga, then it is also very useful in slimming and toning body and face muscles. You should try this brilliant face yoga method below to reduce cheek fat.

Home Remedies

In addition to the above facial exercise, you may also try the following simple home-remedies that will accelerate fat-burning around your face and give you a chiseled and sharp jawline.

1. Chew Gum:

Exercise your facial muscles and keep them toned by chewing a gum, preferably a sugar-free gum, several times a day over the next 10 days. Chewing Gums also help keep your teeth and gums, so win-win.

2. Face Spa:


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