Health & Fitness

How to Lower Blood Pressure Quickly and Safely

It usually takes about 1-3 months of regular exercise to start seeing a decrease in blood pressure. If you adjust your diet, like reducing sodium intake or trying the DASH diet, you might notice changes in a couple of weeks. Medications can help lower blood pressure in about 4-6 weeks.

If lifestyle changes aren’t enough to manage your blood pressure, your doctor might prescribe medication.

It’s crucial to take these medications exactly as prescribed—don’t skip doses or alter your regimen. If you struggle to remember, consider using electronic reminders or pillboxes.

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Lose Weight and Monitor Your Waistline

As you gain weight, your blood pressure tends to rise. Being overweight can also lead to breathing problems during sleep (like sleep apnea), which can further hike up your blood pressure.

So, shedding those extra pounds is a powerful way to control your blood pressure. Even losing a little weight can make a big difference. Typically, for every kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) you lose, your blood pressure might drop by around 1 millimeter of mercury (mm Hg).

Your waistline matters too. Carrying too much weight around your middle can up your risk of high blood pressure.

Here’s a general guide:

  • For men, a waist measurement over 40 inches (102 centimeters) puts you at risk.Ezoic
  • For women, it’s over 35 inches (89 centimeters).

These numbers can vary depending on your ethnic background, so it’s good to ask your healthcare provider what’s healthy for you.

Stay Active

Regular physical activity can bring down high blood pressure by about 5 to 8 mm Hg. And the key is to keep moving to prevent your blood pressure from creeping back up.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day. This could be walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or dancing. Even activities like high-intensity interval training, where you alternate between intense bursts of activity and lighter periods, can help.

Strength training is also beneficial. Try to include strength exercises at least two days a week. If you’re not sure where to start, talk to your healthcare provider about crafting an exercise plan that works for you.

Eat Healthy

Fill your plate with whole grains, fruits, veggies, and low-fat dairy. This can help lower high blood pressure by around 11 points. Try diets like DASH or Mediterranean.


Get Enough Potassium

Foods like fruits and veggies are rich in potassium, which can counteract the effects of salt on blood pressure. Aim for 3,500 to 5,000 mg a day. Check with your doctor about the right amount for you.

Cut Down on Salt

Even a small reduction in salt intake can improve heart health and lower blood pressure by about 5 to 6 points. Aim for no more than 2,300 mg per day, but ideally, less than 1,500 mg. Here’s how:

  • Check labels for low-sodium options.
  • Avoid processed foods, which often have lots of added salt.
  • Cook your own meals to control the amount of salt added.

Cut Back on Alcohol

Limit yourself to less than one drink per day if you’re a woman, or two drinks per day if you’re a man. This can help lower blood pressure by about 4 points.

But be careful, too much alcohol can raise blood pressure and make medications less effective. Remember, one drink is like a 12-ounce beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor.

Quit Smoking

Smoking raises blood pressure, so quitting can help bring it down. It also lowers the risk of heart disease and improves overall health, giving you a better chance at a longer life.

Get Good Sleep

Poor sleep, especially getting less than six hours a night for weeks, can contribute to high blood pressure. Issues like sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome can disrupt sleep. Let your doctor know if you’re having trouble sleeping. Otherwise, try these tips for better sleep:

  • Make your sleeping environment peaceful: cool, quiet, and dark. Do relaxing activities before bed like taking a warm bath or doing breathing exercises.
  • If you nap, keep it short and early in the day to avoid affecting nighttime sleep.

Reduce Stress

Long-term stress can raise blood pressure. While we’re still studying how stress reduction techniques affect blood pressure, it’s good to identify and tackle stressors like work, family, or health issues. Here are some tips:

  • Manage your time wisely and set priorities.
  • Focus on what you can control and find solutions for problems.
  • Avoid things that stress you out, like rush-hour traffic or certain people.Ezoic
  • Take time to relax daily, whether through deep breathing, hobbies, or simply enjoying quiet time.
  • Practice gratitude, which can help ease stress.

Monitor Your Blood Pressure

Keep an eye on your blood pressure at home. This helps ensure your treatments are effective. Home monitors are easy to find, but consult your doctor first. Regular checkups with your healthcare provider are also crucial for managing blood pressure.

Eat Foods Rich in Calcium

Low calcium intake is often linked to high blood pressure. While calcium supplements might not directly lower blood pressure, diets high in calcium seem to help maintain healthy levels.

Most adults should aim for 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day, but some, like older adults, may need more. You can find calcium in dairy, dark leafy greens, beans, sardines, and tofu.

Consider Natural Supplements

Some natural supplements may help lower blood pressure:

– Aged garlic extract has been used successfully to lower blood pressure.

– Berberine might have potential in lowering blood pressure, though more research is needed.

– Whey protein has shown promise in improving blood pressure and blood vessel function.

– Fish oil is known for its heart health benefits and may be particularly helpful for high blood pressure.

– Hibiscus, often consumed as tea, contains compounds beneficial for heart health and may help lower blood pressure.

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