
How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster and Thicker Naturally

You may not control what affects your hair growth, but you can certainly control what impairs it.

For starters, you can avoid those practices which cause hair fall and increase shedding. Restrictive dieting is one such practice.

Do you know what it does? Dieting extensively depletes all the essential nutrients and resources from your body.

Your hair follicles don’t get the nourishment they desperately need to grow, and here is where the problem begins.

3. Scalp Massage

Keeping your scalp healthy ensures profitable hair growth. Experts believe that scalp massage is one of the most effective natural ways of boosting hair health.

It benefits your heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormones.

All you have to do is massage your scalp for at least fifteen minutes a day. Your scalp will receive an enhanced blood flow, your roots will strengthen, and the follicles will grow faster.

For better results, try using nutrient-rich oil for your massage sessions. You will enjoy the double benefits of life.

4. Take Adequate Protein

If you’re not eating abundant proteins, you will not have optimal hair growth. When proteins decrease in your body, your hair begins to shed.

Hence, always aim to eat a well-balanced diet so that your hair can replenish and thrive.

Experts recommend a protein intake of fifty grams daily or more.

5. The Egg Yolk Mask

Egg yolk mask helps your hair strands strengthen and not break while growing past your shoulders. Egg yolks contain protein and lecithin, and both these components heal, nourish, and strengthen the locks.

With the high-sulfur content present in yolks, your scalp also stays clear of dandruff – all the more reasons for better hair growth.

All you need to do is combine two tablespoons of olive oil with two egg yolks. Next, dilute the mixture with half a cup of water so that it is not too sticky.

Then apply the mask to your hair, from root till tips, and let it sit for thirty minutes. Proceed to wash with your regular shampoo and conditioner.

Doing this at least twice a week will give you incredible hair growth, shine, and volume.

Lest I forget, I also wrote a  guide on how often you should do a hair mask treatment plus a complete DIY recipe guide to make a moisturizing hair mask at home.-  I believe this would be helpful for your hair growth journey.

6. Essential Oils


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