
How To Overcome Struggling With Self Confidence: 30 Day Self Confidence Challenge

1. Avoid Imposter Syndrome

One of the first best ways to overcome struggling with self confidence is to avoid imposter syndrome

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.

Who knew there was a whole term to describe a struggle with self-confidence and a feeling of failure?!

Personally, I define imposter syndrome as the feeling of being fraudulent or inadequate as it relates to your goals and success. It’s the lack of confidence in your achievements no matter how big or small.

To define Imposter Syndrome in another way, as it relates to struggling with self confidence.

According to Time Magazine, people who offer suffer from imposter syndrome are

  • Perfectionists
  • Experts
  • Natural Geniuses
  • Soloists
  • “Super(wo)men”

Reflection: Do you fit in one of these categories? Have you ever felt imposter syndrome?

To be honest, it wasn’t until Michelle Obama admitted that she still struggles with imposter syndrome that I even knew what Imposter Syndrome meant!

“I still remember waking up in a bit of a panic the night before my first tour event in the United Center in Chicago, this huge basketball arena,” she recounted. “Were people really going to come? Was it going to be any good? Here I’d been first lady of the United States for eight years, giving speeches in front of huge crowds, but this felt so different. I recognize now that the memoir and the tour were really different than what I’d done before — I wasn’t promoting a policy or rallying votes; I was out there, alone, talking about my feelings and vulnerabilities. That’s enough for anybody to lose a little sleep.”

So, what does this mean?


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