
How to Rebuild Collagen in the Face Using These 7 Steps

Do you want to know how to rebuild collagen in the face? This post gives you seven simple steps you can start today to increase your body’s collagen naturally.

Collagen is essential for healthy skin. It provides a supportive structure and gives the skin its elasticity and bounciness.

The amount of collagen in your body reduces as you get older and as you are exposed to UV radiation or pollution in your environment. Typically this decline in collagen starts when you are in your 20s and then drops by about 1% every year.

As your skin starts to loose the elasticity that collagen gives it, you will start to see fine lines, wrinkles and crepey skin.

The good news is it’s not too late to start boosting your collagen levels! This post contains seven steps you can start taking right now to get the bounce back into your skin.

Signs of Collagen Loss in the Face

As we get older our bodies produce less collagen. Signs of collagen loss include dull skin, facial wrinkles, sagging skin, and sallowness. Since collagen strengthens the walls of our blood vessels, a loss of collagen can also lead to broken capillaries, or “spider veins” that appear beneath the skin’s surface.

These are all normal signs of aging. Since collagen also makes up our connective tissues, your joints start to experience more wear and tear as they get older, and may begin to ache.

The image below shows the difference between youthful skin on the left, and older skin with less collagen on the right.

How to Rebuild Collagen in the Face

What Destroys Collagen Production



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