
How To Reduce and Tone Jowls with 5 Face Yoga Moves

This post is all about how to reduce jowls without surgery. I’m going to run through a quick and easy Face Yoga routine that concentrates on the area under the chin and jaw. It should take around 10 minutes to complete, so it is hopefully easy to slot into your busy day.


Jowls are those little areas of loose skin, swelling, or fat accumulation that appear just under the jaw. You can get them at any age and there are lots of different factors that affect whether you’ll experience sagging in this area.

Genetics definitely do play a part. But a larger factor is lifestyle. Your stress levels, sleep patterns, whether you drink or smoke – all these affect the skin. And a huge one is sun damage. It is estimated that up to 80% of skin ageing is due to sun damage, so if you take nothing else away from this post, please make applying your SPF a daily habit! That includes if you have darker skin and on cloudy days too.

Another factor that affects whether we develop loose jowls is our modern digital lifestyle. Many of us spend a lot of time looking down at our phones or computer screens. Being aware of our posture can make a big difference.



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