
How To Reduce and Tone Jowls with 5 Face Yoga Moves

Before you start this jowl-busting Face Yoga routine, take a moment to focus on your posture. Lengthen your spine and relax your shoulders down away from your ears. Visualise a string coming from the crown of your head and up to the ceiling (or sky if you are outside). Feel it pull you upwards, lengthening everything out.

Lift your chin slightly to give yourself space to work. Then take a moment to connect to your breath. Allow your abdomen to rise and fall as you take long, calming breaths in and out through your nose.

This serum is beautiful for Face Yoga. It has been specially developed to have small enough molecules to penetrate deep into your skin, bringing all the nourishing benefits of the botanical seed oils into that middle layer of skin.

You can leave it on all day/night – no need to wash it off when you finish this face yoga routine.


So often, we come to Face Yoga because we are unhappy with something about our faces, or we don’t like how we are ageing. So, it might sound counterintuitive that I’m encouraging you to feel a sense of gratitude for your face just as it is right now.

In my experience, coming from a place of gratitude doesn’t stop us from seeing a positive effect from Face Yoga. When we combine gratitude with positive action, it turns Face Yoga into an affirming and nurturing self-care practice.

As you move through this Face Yoga sequence, try to approach your face with gratitude and love. Say “thank you” to the parts of your face you normally ignore or dislike. Take this as an opportunity to nourish these areas with your loving touch.


Form your index and middle fingers into a ‘V’ shape. Using your middle finger on top of your jawbone and your index finger underneath, smooth along your jaw. Start from your chin and move outwards. Alternate hands to go over one side and then the other.

Continue to repeat this move for around a minute.

This helps to boost the blood circulation to the jaw and chin area. It also sculpts the area and encourages the release of any fluid that has built up here.




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