
How To Reduce and Tone Jowls with 5 Face Yoga Moves

Using the tops of your fingers, flick upwards beneath your chin and jaw to tap all over the skin.

This simple massage helps to boost collagen and elastin production, tightening and lifting the skin and reducing jowls.

It can be difficult to coordinate using both hands, so feel free to switch to using one at a time if you prefer.

Continue to tap for about a minute, making sure to cover the full area.

Don’t forget your breath. Feel your abdomen rise and fall as you continue to breathe through your nose.


For this move and the next one, we’re doing some facial exercises that target the muscles of the neck. When we lift and tone these muscles, we also tighten and tauten the skin attached to them, firming the whole area, and reducing the appearance of jowls.

Tilt your head back, being very careful if you have any neck issues. Roll your shoulders down and back. You should already feel this in the area underneath your chin.

Stick your tongue out towards the tip of your nose. Then, turn the corners of your mouth upwards. You might notice that this causes some lines to appear around your mouth. Use your index fingers to smooth out those lines – we never want to create new lines in Face Yoga.

Hold this pose for thirty seconds. Release for a moment, then take it again.

Come back to centre. Using your middle and index fingers together, tap all over the skin around your mouth to release any tension or lines created by this move.


Turn your head to one side. Tilt your chin up and slightly back. At the same time, take your arms behind you, squeezing your shoulder blades towards each other and lifting your chest up a little.

You can just stay here if you like. Another variation is to stick your tongue out towards the tip of your nose.

Hold the pose for a count of twenty and release. Repeat on the other side.

Give your arms a little shake out to get rid of any stiffness. Take a few shoulder rolls too. Then repeat the pose for twenty seconds on each side.


Using two fingers and your thumb, pinch along your jaw. Start at your chin and work out towards your ear.

The key here is to pinch down into the muscle instead of lifting and dragging at the skin.

When you reach the outside edge of your jaw, lift off and replace your fingers at your chin. Repeat the move four times in total.

Release your hands down.


And we’re all finished. Like any Face Yoga or facial exercise, this sequence will be most effective if you do it regularly. Perhaps make it a part of your morning or evening skincare routine. You could even run through it in the shower or in front of the TV.

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