
How to remove smell from your shoes using some easy tricks using some easy tricks

Spray inside of them with rubbing alcohol

This is a very simple trick however it won’t last very long. To do this all you need to do is spray the inner sole of the shoes with rubbing alcohol. This is mostly for people in a hurry as the smell of the shoe will resurface in a couple of hours.

How to prevent shoes from smelling bad

There are many ways to prevent your shoes from smelling bad. However, I’m only going to tell you the most important methods.

1. Moisturize your feet regularly

This means you should put on some lotion on your feet an hour before you wear your shoes. This will make your feet smell good for the rest of the day, which will also prevent your shoes from having any bad odor.

2. Wear moisture-wicking socks

These are the best type of socks to wear when you are about to work for a long time. These types of socks will prevent your shoes from smelling bad due to how they don’t absorb sweat that easily.

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