
How to use frankincense oil on the face for an anti-age effect

Frankincense oil is claimed to offer a host of health benefits. One of the major components of Frankincense, boswellic acid, contains anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties. Frankincense oil may prove to be beneficial for the following medical conditions:

Frankincense Essential Oil for Cancer

According to laboratory research performed on human cells, it was discovered that Frankincense essential oil has cancer-fighting properties that could provide protection against breast cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Moreover, as per a study published in the Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice (2016), a blend of essential oils, including Frankincense oil, may induce sleep in people suffering from cancer.


Frankincense essential oil’s anti-inflammatory properties may help with osteoarthritis and knee pain. According to a review of published studies (2018), it was found that Boswellia extract may significantly reduce pain for a short time period. However, there is still a lack of evidence to prove the efficiency of Frankincense essential for long-term pain reduction.

What are the Uses of Frankincense Essential Oil in Aromatherapy?

Here are a few of the common uses of frankincense essential oil in aromatherapy:

  • Acne
  • Anxiety
  • Cold
  • Cough
  • Indigestion
  • Ulcer

In recent years, frankincense oil has attracted major attention from all-natural skincare companies. Most claim it could treat dry skin and has anti-aging properties that could reduce wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, and stretch marks.

Today, Frankincense oil is one of the major ingredients of some of the best-selling beauty products for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

Frankincense is an anti-inflammatory oil with soothing properties. It reduces redness and irritation of inflamed skin and helps bring down swelling and itching. Its antibacterial properties disinfect skin, tighten pores, and prevent wrinkles.

This essential oil promotes speedy healing of cuts, wounds, and acne scars. Its stimulating properties treat gastrointestinal issues, promote the growth of new skin cells, and regulate blood circulation in the body.

Frankincense essential oil for skin shows its universality: for owners of oily, problem skin, it helps to cope with inflammation and pimples, and those who suffer from dryness of the skin, gives an opportunity to tighten it, tone it up, “revive”, make it firmer and younger-looking.

In addition, Frankincense oil is often added to treatments for dermatological diseases – from eczema to psoriasis and rash.

Frankincense essential oil can be added to the natural base (cream without the addition of synthetic ingredients) – at the rate of 3-4 drops per 10 ml or can be mixed with oils and other essential oils for home masks. In this case, you will need 1 tbsp of base oil (sweet almond, jojoba, etc.), 2 drops of incense essential oils – and other essential oils as needed (e.g. lavender oil is suitable if you need to soothe irritated skin, and neroli oil – if you want to soften dry skin).

Does Frankincense Essential Oil Get Rid of Acne?


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