
I Put This In The Corners Of My House And The Next Day All The Cockroaches Were Dead!

  • Clean your home regularly, especially kitchen.
  • Take out the trash regularly
  • Seal up cracks and holes in homes
  • Keep your space as cool as possible
  • Get rid of any cardboard boxes
  • Don’t leave any food outside
  • Fix the water leaks
  • Set up a coffee trap.
  • Make a boric acid roach bait.
  • Place catnip around the house.
  • Never keep old news papers and books stacked openly.
  • Empty the dustbin regularly and always keep it closed.

Here is the solution to get rid from Cockroaches in your home which is a natural remedy:

The natural mixture eliminates the cockroaches in the home in just a short time and has no adverse side-effects.
To prepare this we need the following ingredients

  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • 2 onions

First you need to chop the onions well and add baking soda to it. Mix it well and apply it to the corners of your home. This process has to be repeated regularly for 3 or 4 days, then you will start noticing dead cockroaches over the place.

This is the best solution you have ever known, Try it in your home and get rid of these annoying pests forever.

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