Health & Fitness

Ingrown Toenail : 8 Quick and Effective Remedies to Get Rid of it

It’s scientifically proven.

Cider vinegar has powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

That’s why it’s one of the most common ingredients in grandmother’s remedies.

Including to heal an ingrown toenail. To use it, first fill a basin with warm water.

Add some cider vinegar: between 50 and 75 ml. Soak your foot in this bath for 15 to 20 minutes a day.

After each bath, don’t forget to dry the affected foot thoroughly with a clean towel.

#6 Put cotton between the nail and the skin


It is best to do this after taking a foot bath. That way, the warm water will have softened the nail enough and it will be easier to lift.

Here, the idea is to gently lift the edge of the ingrown nail. Afterwards, put a small piece of clean gauze or cotton between the nail and the skin.

But what is the purpose of cotton, you may ask? Thanks to the cotton, the nail will grow over the skin, without sinking into it. You don’t have any cotton or pads at home.

Then you should know that dental floss, which is much thinner, can replace cotton. And one more tip: To avoid the risk of infection, soak the cotton (or floss) in alcohol before using this treatment.

#5 Apply an antibiotic cream to the painful area

Another effective treatment to get rid of an ingrown toenail is antibiotic cream and ointment. Don’t you know?

This type of cream promotes healing and helps reduce the risk of infection. They are also called “local antibiotics”.

And the good news is that they are available without a prescription at any pharmacy. Plus, they’re easy to use. Apply it directly to the affected area, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Typically, 3 applications per day are required. Also remember to cover the affected area with a bandage after each application.

Some examples of creams are: Fucidin Aureomycin, Neomycin, Flammazine, Mupiderm, Eryfluid, Erythrogel or Dalacin T Topic.

#4 Wear wide shoes

Think about it…

If your shoes are too tight, they compress your toes and prevent them from moving.

And the same thing happens if your socks and stockings are too tight. In fact, this is one of the most common causes of ingrown toenails.

No wonder! That’s why it’s recommended to wear wide shoes and socks. In other words, they should let your toe move without rubbing.

Can you see why? For one thing, it’s to keep it from getting worse. But it’s also good advice as a general rule, to prevent it from appearing.

In fact, if you’re trying to heal an ingrown toenail, it’s even advisable to avoid shoes altogether.

Better to wear open-toed sandals, until the pain and inflammation goes away.

#3 Take Doliprane or other painkillers

Sounds too simple, right? But Doliprane contains paracetamol.

And paracetamol can actually help relieve the pain caused by an ingrown toenail.

But maybe you also have swelling in your toe?

If so, it’s best to take ibuprofen. This relieves both the pain and the swelling.

As you know, these painkillers can be bought without a prescription.

But it goes without saying: Never exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer!

#2 Use a toe protector


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