
Is Left Hand Itching Lottery Luck?

When both of your hands are itchy, it is believed that you will get lucky – and definitely not the $5 in your back pocket on laundry day kind of luck!

As you can see, many of the lottery winners listed above stated that both of their palms were itchy when they won!

Plus, we all know the famous saying:

“If your palms itch, you are bound to get rich!”

So if both your hands are itching, go ahead and grab that lottery ticket. Then, rub your palms on wood, grab a handful of your hair, or spit on your palms and rub them on your hips. And if that last part grosses you out, ask yourself how badly do you want that money?

Left Hand Itching Female VS Male

As mentioned earlier, some places, like India, believe that an itchy left hand is only lucky for females! They believe that for men, the “lucky hand” is the right hand!

The Science

There are always people who have a logical explanation for everything and will not even entertain the thought of a superstition. (I wonder if these people say “bless you” when someone sneezes, or wear wedding rings at all?)
Fun Facts:
-Wedding rings are worn on the left finger because, in ancient Egypt, it was believed to be the only finger with a vein leading directly to the heart!
-People say “bless you” when someone sneezes because it is believed that the soul leaves the body for that second.

Anyways, for the sake of these people, let’s look at the scientific reasons why your hands might itch.

You may experience itchy hands due to:

• an allergic reaction

• an infection

• dehydration

• diabetes

• an injury

There may be many other medical reasons for itchy hands, so if you feel like your itchy palms are a serious condition, please see your health care provider!

FAQ: What does an itchy palm mean?

According to superstition, an itchy palm has a connection to your money. Generally, it is believed that an itchy right palm means that you’ll come into money and an itchy left hand means that money will leave your pockets in some way.

However, we’ve also seen the opposite occur for many persons. This means that for some people a left hand itch may be a sign of good fortune on the horizon, whereas a right hand itch may mean a financial loss.

One thing is for certain though, for any superstitious person, an itchy palm is a sign of a shift in your finances, no matter how small or big it is!

Other Money Superstitions

Now that we know about left hand itching and lottery luck, are there other money-related superstitions that are still common today? Here are a few that I know of!

Bird Poop brings Money

• If a bird poops on you or your car, it will bring your financial luck.

Sweeping after 6 p.m.

• Sweeping the house after 6:00 p.m. means that you’re sweeping away your money and any good fortune.

Putting your Purse on the Floor

• Putting your purse on the floor will cause you to lose money.

Lucky Bamboo in your Home

• Having a lucky bamboo in your home will bring you wealth.

Pick up a Penny Head Side Up

• Only pick up a penny if it is head side up. This will bring you more money.

Giving Money to a Newborn

• Giving money to a newborn baby during your first visit will bring them wealth for life.

Hairy Arms & Riches

• If you have hairy arms, you will be rich.

Shooting Star & Wealth

• Say the word “money” when you see a shooting star for wealth.

Money Tree on your Windowsill

• Adding a Money Tree to your windowsill can bring wealth and prosperity to your home.

Are there any others that you know of? Share with us in the comments below!

lucky bamboo for left hand itching lottery luck

Left Wrist Itchy Meaning

Does an itchy left wrist mean the same as an itchy left hand or palm? Should you go run off to get a lottery ticket if your left wrist starts to itch? Well, it is believed that an itchy left wrist has nothing to do with your finances.

Super superstitious people will say that an itchy left wrist means that your love life is about to suffer and you’ll need to be strong emotionally. But clearly, there’s a distinct separation between the “left hand itching meaning” and the “left wrist itchy meaning” when it comes to superstitions.

Which hand is lucky for money?

As mentioned earlier, which hand is lucky for money depends on the person. Even though this post talks about left hand itching lottery luck, many of the real-life examples of lottery luck came after both hands were itchy.

Apart from Indian superstition classifying your lucky hand based on your gender, you can do your own investigations to determine which hand is YOUR lucky hand when it comes to money.

The lucky hand, according to Indian beliefs:


Left Hand

Right Hand

Male Unlucky Lucky
Female Lucky Unlucky

When your hand itches next time, be sure to make note of which hand it is and your money luck for the rest of the day.

female left hand holding cash

Left Hand Itching Lottery Luck

Even though most people associate left hand itching with bad luck, some lottery winners have had left hand itching lottery luck. Many have won after having itchy hands, including an itchy left hand!

If you think your left palm itching may be a sign of good fortune, it wouldn’t hurt to use a few dollars for a ticket to try your luck!

Left Hand Itching & Left-Handers

Being a lefty is often associated with bad luck as is considered a bad omen. Perhaps this is why left hand itching is mostly associated with bad financial luck.

Signs of Left Hand Itching

Left hand itching can be a sign of many things. First and foremost, a constant and intense itch can be a sign of a medical issue that needs treatment. Otherwise, it can be a sign of money luck (bad or good).

female hands holding cash

Superstitions for Left Hand Itching

Here’s the thing. An itch on left hand may have other meanings apart from lottery luck. Most of them are associated with money, however, they vary slightly from country to country.

Here are a few of the more popular superstitions for left hand itching:

• When your left hand itches, you will lose money.

• When your left hand itches, you will get / win money.

• An itchy left hand means you’re about to make a new friend.

• If your left palm is itching, it may mean you’re about to see an old friend.

• When your left hand itches, you will receive a letter soon. (maybe an email, nowadays)

• As a female, left palm itching means good fortune is on its way.

• As a male, left palm itching means bad luck can be expected.

adult and kid's hands holding coins

Left Hand Itching Spiritual Meaning

It may seem silly to connect a simple superstition to your spiritual life. However, if you’re unsettled or bothered by your itchy hands (or any other aspect of life!), praying and seeking guidance is always a good move!

Additional Info on Left Hand Itching Lottery Luck (FAQs)

What does it mean when your left hand itches?

When your left hand itches, it could simply mean that your skin is irritated, and you need to moisturize more often. However, for superstitious people, a left hand itch can mean that you’re about to lose money.

For others, it can also be a sign that you’re about to run into some financial luck. This can be as simple as finding a penny, or as huge as winning the lottery!

It all depends on which hand is your lucky / unlucky hand.

female left hand holding cash

What is the superstition of itchy hands?

According to superstition, itchy hands are associated with financial luck. It is believed that itchy hands indicate lottery luck. And many real lottery winners have stated that their lottery luck did follow a bout of itchy hands.

In fact, many of them only purchased lottery tickets after experiencing itchy hands!

What does scratching someone’s palm mean?

Scratching someone’s palm has no connection to money or luck. Read it for what it is, it may just mean that there’s a physical attraction or emotional connection present.

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