Keep Your Sciatic Back And Hip Pain Under Control With 6 Stretches
You can do this either standing or sitting. If you sit, keep your feet apart and straighten your knees. Reach forward with your arms, and relax the neck area. If you stand, keep your feet apart, and lean forward to touch the floor.
3. Frog pose
Bring your body on all fours, and spread your knees. Bring your hips forward, and bring your chest and head to the floor.
4. Wide side lunge
Stand with your toes forward, and bend to touch the floor with your fingers. Bring your hands to one foot and bend the knee of the opposite leg. Rotate the other foot, and make sure your toes face the ceiling.
5. Butterfly stretch
Sit on the floor, open your knees, bring your feet together. Straighten your back and press your knees down. Can you feel the stretch?
6. Forearm extensor stretch
Roll your shoulders back, and extend one arm to the front. Flex your hand down and cup it with your other hand. Bring it towards your body. You should feel the stretch at this point.