
Money Hacks to Copy From the Rich (habits of successful people and daily routines)

A business is a powerful tool for accumulating money. Rather than limiting yourself to a paycheck, a business exchanges products and services for money. The income potential is unlimited. Self-made rich people generally have one thing in common: they started a business.

To start a business, simply google beginner business ideas. Read some articles and pick an idea that resonates with you. Then find a business who is already doing what you want to do, and use them as your guide. Your business will naturally find its uniqueness along the way.

Starting a business is an opportunity for you to be creative and build something you would love to share with people. Don’t be so worried about making money. Instead, find a rewarding passion project that you would be happy to work on for free. Create something for you. Then figure out (via google) how to turn that hobby into a profitable business. The book Rich Dad, Poor Dad is an excellent book to help you get started.

3. Declutter Your Home

Wealth comes with some implied benefits, one of them being a bigger house.

But before you get that bigger house, it is important to make best use of what you have now. Take care of the home you have now. Try decluttering.

A house that is free of clutter is easy to keep clean and is very functional. To declutter, pick a space and start sorting your things into three sections: keep, donate, and trash. Organize the stuff you keep. Send the stuff you don’t need out the door.

Stuff causes a lot of mental noise. The more space that is made available, the more at ease you will feel in your home. The home can truly become a refuge from the day’s struggles.

Decluttering your home will ensure you develop supportive home maintence habits. You’ll be glad to have them when you buy that bigger house.

4. Put Your Money to Good Use

It seems like our natural tendency is to spend money in ways that don’t serve us. We spend money on fast food (by that I mean restaurants and cafes). We buy meaningless stuff that catches our eye (only for that stuff to inevitably become clutter in our homes).

When we practice spending that does not serve us, money goes quick. Then it’s a few days before payday and we wonder where all of our money went… again.

The money you work for needs to add value to your life! Here are the mains ways to serve yourself with money:

  • Buy a water filter (drink tap water)
  • Buy fresh food (fresh fruit and vegetables)
  • Buy humanely raised animal products (dairy, eggs, and meat)
  • Buy products to make household chores easier and more efficient.
  • Buy products that support good habits.

Leverage These Tools for Easy Money:


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