Health & Fitness

Moringa Tea Benefits For Health, Nutrition, And Preparation

Moringa seed oil, moringa leaves, and roots are all rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals (2). Moringa is extremely low in fats and has no harmful cholesterol as well. Moringa leaves are packed with vitamin A, vitamin C, and B6, along with good amounts of essential amino acids, beta-carotene, and phytochemicals (3), (4). Also, it is a natural source of energy and promotes overall wellness.

The moringa leaves are traditionally sun-dried or oven-dried to preserve their nutritional benefits. Dehydrating the leaves to be used as dry leaf tea or powder has shown to increase its nutritional benefits as seen below (5).

Nutrients (mg) Fresh leaves Dry leaves Leaf powder
Calories (cal) 92 329 205
Protein 6700 29400 27100
Fat 1700 1500 2300
Carbohydrate 12500 41200 38200
Fiber 900 12500 19200
Vitamin B1 0.06 2.02 2.64
Vitamin B2 0.05 21.3 20.5
Vitamin B3 0.8 7.6 8.2
Vitamin C 220 15.8 17.3
Vitamin E 448 10.8 113
Calcium 440 2185 2003
Magnesium 42 448 368
Phosphorus 70 252 204
Potassium 259 1236 1324
Copper 0.07 0.49 0.57
Iron 0.85 25.6 28.2
Sulfur 870

In the powder form, moringa has (4):

  •  Proteins – 9 times more than yogurt
  •  Vitamin A – 10 times more than carrots
  •  Vitamin C – 50% more than oranges
  •  Potassium – 15 times more than bananas
  •  Calcium – 17 times more than milk
  •  Iron – 25 times more than spinach

 Fun Fact

Ancient Mauryan warriors in India were believed to drink moringa tea during wars to gain strength and reduce stress.

Now that we have seen how nutritious moringa tea can be, let’s also take a look at its potential health benefits.

1. Helps Combat Malnutrition



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