Many poor countries struggling with war, lack of clean drinking water, or cultivable soil, aren’t able to provide sufficient food and nutrition to the people. Children in such countries are prone to suffering from chronic malnutrition. Moringa leaves, packed with essential vitamins and minerals, might help combat hunger and help in adding nutritive value to their diet (5).
Moringa leaves are also very rich in iron and have been found to be helpful in treating anemia by increasing blood iron levels (6). The high amount of vitamin C also helps in increasing iron absorption in the body. This also makes moringa a significant source of nutrition in improving the health of malnourished kids.
In addition, anecdotal evidence suggests that the anti-inflammatory compounds in moringa tea may help soothe the stomach and improve digestion. However, more research is needed on this subject.
2. Rich In Antioxidants
Moringa leaves are packed with important antioxidants that help remove toxic free radicals from the body (7). A study in 90 postmenopausal women found that there was an increase in the blood anti-oxidant levels after a regular intake of 7g (1.5 teaspoons) moringa leaf powder for 3 months (8).
The antioxidant properties have also been known to be effective against neuron degeneration and dementia by reducing oxidative stressi X A condition caused by an imbalance between the creation and buildup of oxygen radicals in cells and the ability to detoxify them. (9). Studies indicate that moringa leaves can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s diseasei X A neurologic condition that progressively worsens, shrinks the brain, and kills brain cells, leading to confusion and memory loss. and help reduce its symptoms as well (10).
3. Helps Reduce High Blood Pressure And Blood Sugar Levels
Along with being rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, moringa leaves contain two more important antioxidants, quercetin, and chlorogenic acid.
While quercetin has been found to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive rats, similar effects are yet to be investigated in humans (11), (12).
The chlorogenic acid, also found in coffee, on the other hand, might help regulate blood sugar levels (13), (14).
Moringa also contains polyphenols and bioactive compounds called isothiocyanates that help reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels, keeping your blood pressure and glucose levels in check.
4. Might Protect Against Arsenic Toxicity
Arsenic contamination in food and water might lead to an increased risk of major health problems like cancer and heart disease (15), (16). Studies in mice and rats have found promising results in moringa leaves and seed extracts. They have been found to have counter-protective effects against arsenic contamination and toxicity (17). More research needs to be done to establish the same benefits for humans.
5. Helps Improve Your Skin And Hair Health
Moringa tea, rich in antioxidants, bioflavonoids, and vitamin C helps improve the health and appearance of your skin and hair. With its natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, moringa helps fight acne and breakouts effectively (18). The antioxidants in the leaf extracts were also found to be effective against excess oil production in your skin during the winter months (19). It helps get rid of free radicals, boost collagen production, and improves skin elasticity diminishing wrinkles and fine lines (20), (21). With its abundance of antioxidants and vital nutrients, moringa leaves provide anti-aging benefits and add suppleness, elasticity, and shine to your skin and hair.
6. Might Help Treat Depression
Moringa tea helps alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue by balancing the serotonin and dopamine levels, which are vital in mood regulations and pain perception (22). This herbal non-caffeinated tea contains tryptophan, which on consumption, converts to serotonin and melatonin (23), (24), (25). While serotonin acts as a mood stabilizer, melatonin helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Moringa leaf juice has also been effective in dealing with migraines and chronic headaches (26). All these together, help you calm down your nerves and improve your mood in general.
Petrena Schell, a YouTuber, shared her 30-day experience with moringa, emphasizing the various benefits she has observed. She also recounted a cautionary tale about taking it on an empty stomach and recommended consuming it with food to avoid stomach irritation. She didn’t notice immediate changes in the first weeks but experienced improved digestion, increased metabolism, and heightened energy levels as time progressed. She concluded by saying, “Every day that I use the moringa, I feel an elevation in my mood and my happiness, and you know that just feels really good.
Ancient Ayurvedic texts describe moringa as “sigru” meaning ‘moves like an arrow,’ referring to its ability to penetrate the tissues faster for body detoxification and cleansing.
7. May Aid Weight Loss
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