Health & Fitness

Moringa Tea Benefits For Health, Nutrition, And Preparation

Animal studies suggest that moringa leaves may have anti-obesity benefits (27). These effects may be due to the presence of ethanolic extract in the leaves, which may lead to a decreased food intake or improved absorption of fat in the intestine. However, since these studies are conducted on rats, it is still unclear if these benefits affect humans.

While no human studies have investigated the effects of moringa leaves alone on weight loss, there is a study conducted on a moringa-infused supplement LI85008F that also considers Murraya koenigii (curry leaves) and Curcuma longa (turmeric). This study concludes that supplementation may be a safe application for weight loss in individuals who are obese. It may also help them maintain healthy blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (28).

However, like all other natural remedies, moringa tea has some side effects, too. Learn more about them below.

Side Effects Of Moringa Tea

While the bark and roots of the moringa plant have been found poisonous and unsafe for pregnant and lactating women, the leaves tend to have very few side effects (29), (30). You should always read the ingredients label carefully and follow the dosage instructions to make sure no other parts of the moringa plant have been included to avoid the potential side-effects listed below:

  • If taken in large quantities, moringa leaves might exhibit laxative properties, leading to upset stomachs, diarrhea, nausea, and heartburn (31).
  • If you don’t prefer the taste of moringa tea, consuming too much of it might trigger your gag reflex and cause nausea (32).
  • Breastfeeding women should avoid moringa tea as there is not enough evidence to state that all its ingredients are safe for infants.
  • Moringa leaves are known to contain alkaloids that help reduce the heart rate lowering the blood pressure effectively (33). While we have seen above how this benefits to keep your blood pressure in control, it might become dangerous when taken in combination with other medicines that lower blood pressure. You should thus consult your doctor prior to taking moringa tea as a natural remedy for hypertensionX High blood pressure levels, over 140/90, occurring when blood exerts too much force on the artery walls. (34).
  • Moringa can potentially interact with certain medications for diabetes and thyroid as well. You should thus consult your doctor before including moringa tea in your diet if you are taking any such medications (35).

How To Make Moringa Tea

Moringa being pretty popular as a superfood, moringa tea powder is easily available in stores and online as well. You can simply boil the tea powder in filtered water and then sieve it to give you a cupful of bright green moringa tea.


  • Water (to boil) – 10 oz (300ml)
  • Moringa tea powder – 1 teaspoon
  • Sweetener – honey/jaggery/agave (optional)
  • Mint leaves/Lemon juice – as per preference


  1.  Bring the water to a rolling boil in a saucepan or kettle.
  2.  Add the tea powder into the boiling water and simmer for some time.
  3.  Switch off the heat and let it steep for 3 to 5 minutes.
  4.  Add sweetener/mint leaves or lemon juice as per preference.
  5.  Sieve if required.
  6.  Pour into a cup and enjoy!

In case you are not sure about the quality of the packaged tea, you can also make moringa tea powder at home. You would need to get your hands on some fresh moringa leaves, wash them well and leave them to dry and dehydrate. Once dry, you can then grind them up to give you the fine moringa powder. Alternatively, you can also simply clean the fresh leaves and boil them in water for a couple of minutes to give you some freshly made moringa tea.

Moringa tea has an earthy flavor and nutty taste. Being naturally caffeine-free you can have it any time of the day. It also makes for a relaxing tea just before bed. You can also flavor it with honey, lime, or mint as per your preference to enhance its taste.

If you have any prior health conditions, you must consult your doctor or a professionally certified nutritionist/dietitian before adding moringa tea to your diet.

Is It Safe To Drink Moringa Tea Every Day?

Moringa tea is an herbal, non-caffeinated tea with many natural benefits. Though there seems to be no evident harm in having the tea, you should not overdo it to prevent its potential side effects. While pregnant and lactating women should refrain from having moringa tea, others should try and get moringa tea that is organic, GMO-free, and preferably green in color (without any debris) that has cleared the microbial, and phytosanitary testing successfully.

Like for most supplements, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate any moringa plant supplements and has not yet approved any therapeutic use of any part of the moringa plant (36). More research needs to be done to establish the health benefits of moringa tea over and above its risks, to be able to have it without any concerns. It is thus advisable to consult your doctor before you begin to have moringa tea regularly.

Moringa tea, made from the moringa leaves, is highly nutritious and rich in antioxidants and flavonoids to provide us with multiple health benefits. While there has been a lot of recent research done on animals to support the above, further investigation and studies need to be done to establish a few more of those for humans. Meanwhile, you can cozy up with a warm cup of moringa tea to reap the natural benefits of this superfood every once in a while.


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