
Pressing These Points on Your Body Will Make You Never Feel Tired or Sick Again

The place behind your ear is the energy line called Triple warmer which is the causer of our exhaustion and depression.

Furthermore, this line is connected with nerves of all organs, and maintains the balance and relationship between the hormonal distribution system and the glands. It is responsible for the heat of the water in the organism, regulates the energy etc.

You can massage this place and you will feel relief.



You need to apply the left fingers below your left knee. Next, put the right fingers up on the left elbow.
One you feel the pulse of your heart, you need to keep them in this position, until the pulses on both of the places are the same. When you feel simultaneous beat, let the places go. And repeat the same thing on the other hand.


You need to put the left fingers on the outside of the baby toe.
Place the right finger on the skin between the little finger and the ring finger.
You also need to hold these points, until the heart beats are simultaneous.
Do the same process with the other hand.

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