Inside: Don’t spend all your time getting rid of clutter. Check out these awesome tips for quick ways to declutter. Your home will look great in no time at all.
A few months ago I started reading The Magic Act Of Tidying Up. It got me in a real cleaning and decluttering mood. I love having a clean and well-organized room.
It just makes things go a little smoother when my house is organized. Plus I just feel better about my house when it is clean and clutter free.
Although it’s nice to live in a clutter free home it is sometimes hard to get started with decluttering. Are you looking to get a handle on your clutter and get organized this year?
It’s easy and doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Check out these quick ways to declutter your home. You can have a clean and well organized home without spending a lot of time.
Have Supplies Ready
Get ready for decluttering by having some trash bags for trash and large bags for donation items in whatever room you are decluttering. It can also be nice to have a shredder around if you are sorting through papers. I personally prefer to shred old bills and bank statements.
It’s much easier to just sort the items into the trash, keep, and donate. You can quickly see what you have to work with and get rid of trash and items that need shredded right away.
I am always amazed at how many bags of trash I can go through when I am decluttering. If this is one of your first times decluttering a room then you will probably find a lot of trash.
Get Rid Of Stuff Fast
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