Reduce Your Cholesterol Levels Naturally With These Amazing Remedies
Cholesterol is the natural complex long chain of fatty acids that made in our liver and has different functions. As it makes our cells flexible and is needed to make hormones for our body.
But, overproduction of anything creates problems. So, the overproduction of cholesterol has many harmful results. It results in obesity and clogged arteries.
In this, we will tell you some ways to reduce your cholesterol levels naturally with these amazing remedies.
Use Omega 3
Polyunsaturated fats are the fats with the double bonds. They go in our body and adds up to the good cholesterol. As you know, there are two types of cholesterol in our body, that is, good and bad cholesterol.
So, this omega 3 rich food adds in the good cholesterol. They also reduce the risk of metabolic syndromes and also the risk of type 2 diabetes.
It is found in the food like fish like salmon and deep sea tuna and also in shrimp and shellfish. It also includes the nuts of trees.
Soluble Fiber Supplements
The soluble fiber supplements are the group of different compounds that get dissolved in water and humans can’t digest it. But, you must have heard about the gut flora and they add up in the proper digestion of the body molecules.
The beneficial bacteria that live in our gut take up these and then require it for their own nutrition. These good bacteria are called pro-bio-tics. You can get soluble fiber supplements from the lentils, fruits, and oats.
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