FoodHealth & Fitness

Remove All Toxins From The Body In 3 Days: A Method That Prevents Cancer, Removes Fat And Excess Water!

Then,  prepare a juice composed of squeezing celery, parsley, sea greens (ie. kelp, Irish-sea Moss Bladderwrack) carrots and spinach. Drink 1 1/2 cups of this potassium rich juice with your lunch, as potassium is a powerful antioxidant.  Potassium is great for cleaning the body, especially if consumed in the above listed varies as a liquid. You may substitute this juice with pure Acai berry, blueberry, or Noni juice mixed with one cup of water. You can buy Acai berry, blueberry, or Noni juice in healthy food stores.

That night, drink a cup of mucus-cleansing tea an hour just before dinner. This tea should consist of ginger, rose hips and spearmint/ peppermint, which are fantastic against mucus build up, stuffy nose and congestion. Finally,  just before going to bed, drink 12 ounces of pure cranberry juice. Cranberry juice helps fight bacteria and mucus that have accumulated in in the lungs which can cause infection. Cranberries are powerful antioxidants, that are extremely beneficial to your immune system and reproductive system.  Cranberries cleanse your blood and urine as well. Do this for 3 days in a row. The results will be priceless: eliminated toxins, lipids and fats, an over abundance of water, cleansed lungs thus a complete detox body!

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