
Simple Tips For Holiday Cleaning

I like to do a deep clean about a few weeks before Christmas. I have found that if I start with a really clean house I tend to want to keep it clean.

Spend some time giving your kitchen some love before the holidays. Clean out the fridge, clean the oven, and scrub the cabinets.

Go through the bathrooms and scrub them from top to bottom. By deep cleaning, you will have a clean slate to work with through the holidays. It will make those day-to-day cleaning tasks easier.

A few rooms to deep clean are:

  • Kitchen
  • Bathrooms
  • Living Room
  • Any other rooms that will see a lot of use during the holidays

Stick To A Schedule

Once you do a deep clean of your home you can easily manage it with a day-to-day schedule.

Having a schedule helps me out so much! I don’t feel overwhelmed when I just need to do a little each day.

For example, my schedule looks something like this:

  • Monday– clean bathrooms, wash towels
  • Tuesday– clean kitchen, mop the floors

You can do it however works best for you. If you prefer you can vacuum the carpet on Monday and clean out the refrigerator on Thursday. The important part is to create a routine and stick to it.

Just spending 15-30 minutes each day should keep your home clean and organized.

Wait To Decorate

If you want some easy cleaning during the holidays I highly recommend you wait to decorate your home. Dusting and cleaning around all of the decorations take more time and energy.

Maybe it is just me, but I don’t like to spend months dusting and sweeping around my Christmas tree.

I put up Christmas decorations after Thanksgiving so they are only up for 3-4 weeks. Less cleaning and less time.

Get your home holiday ready!

Get your home clean and organized for Christmas with this simple holiday cleaning checklist.

Even if you delay putting them up by a week or two you will save yourself some time cleaning.

If you have a real tree this is even better because your tree will only last for so long. You can see here how long a real tree will last and tips on buying one.

Plan Ahead For Meals & Holiday Cleaning

The weeks and days leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas get so busy. There are holiday parties, gatherings, and sometimes last-minute presents to buy. Why do I always forget about teacher gifts until the last night??

Planning ahead for both cleaning and meals will help save you so much time! I try to write out on Sunday what I plan to clean that week.

This can be helpful because if you are really busy one day you can make sure you plan a lighter cleaning task for that day.

Also planning your meals will help save your sanity. I like to make up a bunch of freezer meals in early November that I can use on busy nights during the holidays.

Less cooking means less to clean in the kitchen. This can be a big time-saver for you during those busy nights. Plus, still eating at home instead of going out to eat or grabbing carry-out is a money saver too.

Have Everyone Pitch In On Holiday Cleaning

Don’t think that holiday cleaning has to be all you. Remember to have your family help pitch in too. Have your children and spouse help out with cleaning too.

I have found it is easiest if I set expectations of chores and helping out at the beginning of holiday breaks. When my son was younger I would make him a printable of daily chores he had to do over break.

Then, just build a holiday cleaning list and share it with the family members that you want to help with the list. Each family member will need a Cozi account, so you can go here to sign them each up for an account.

With everyone helping out it will make holiday cleaning so easy!

Holiday cleaning doesn’t have to take all of your time. With these easy tips, you can clean your home for the holidays and keep it clean.

Enjoy your time with friends and family without worrying about how your home will look. These simple tips for holiday cleaning are a breeze to keep up with.

Want some more easy cleaning and decluttering tips?

  • How To Deep Clean A Kitchen
  • How To Deep Clean A Bathroom
  • Whole House Cleaning Planner

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