Swollen feet are normally caused by tissue holding liquid. Here and there, this can have genuine medicinal implications, for example, foot edema or an expansion in provocative cells that reason swollen feet.
Warmth isn’t the only reason why your feet are swelling: air travel, taking a seat for long timeframes, being pregnant, venous inadequacy or damage could be causing your swollen feet. Gratefully, help is within reach — the four home cures below might be the solution to your issues. Be great to yourself and treat your feet to some DIY foot care.
Exchanging between hot and chilly water
An exceptionally compelling approach to ease swelling in your feet is to place them in chilly water for three minutes before changing to high temp water for one more moment. You can do this in a foot shower or while washing up. If you utilize this strategy as often as possible, you’ll soon see the benefits.
Magnesium sulfate foot shower
By expanding the blood stream to your feet, magnesium sulfate facilitates torment and inconvenience while lessening swelling in the influenced zones. Fill a foot shower bowl with tepid water and include a large portion of some magnesium sulfate. Drench your feet for 15 minutes.
Apple juice vinegar
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