
Spring Twists vs Passion Twists: Which is Better?

As the name implies, spring twist got the title based on its gorgeous springy feature, which is one of the reasons a lot of ladies go for it, even men.

Just like passion twists, there is a particular coily hair extension that you need to achieve the springy and twisty pattern.

The Difference between Passion Twists and Spring Twist

Now that you know what they both are, I am very sure you are eager to know the differences as well—no need to keep you waiting.

1. Weight

No matter how much you try to manipulate the strands (in terms of length and density), passion twists will always be more cumbersome when compared to spring twists.

Forget the length of extension as the primary cause; naturally, passion twists are not that light in weight (I won’t use the word “heavy” again, I think it can scare you away. lol)

2. Pricing

The type of hair extension used for each style(which is the difference), is the reason behind the price difference.

Spring twist is less expensive and economical when compared to passion.

You can even use spring twists hair extension again after removal(i.e., after removal). But I doubt if you can do that with passion twists extension.

3. Appearance, Pattern Impression & Texture

Spring twists and passion twists are both excellent, but to me, the most appealing style is the spring twists. The springy feature alone drives me crazy in love. I think I cannot decide for you.

For the area of texture, the Spring twist has a smooth and luscious texture, while passion twist has a thick texture.

4. Durability

No doubt, spring twists last longer than passion twists. Check my post on how long passion twists last vs. how long spring twists last.

One thing behind this is that passion tangles and unravel very quickly. When I mean very easily, it becomes messy and old.

The Similarities


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