
Start Saving Money Fast When You Stop These Habits (money management advice from money savers)

It’s common to be blind to our own bad habits. And when those bad habits involve spending money, it’s no question that life will feel like a constant financial struggle.

Let’s shine some light onto some simple bad habits that keep you poor. We’ll give you some practical advice on how to overcome them so that you can start growing your savings every month.

1. Blind spending

If you don’t manage your money, spending it is a guessing game.

“This is expensive. I cannot afford it”

But when you comb through your bank statements, you realize that “affordable” purchases add up quickly!

Thousands of dollars can be lost every month on small, insignificant transactions. It was a cheap restaurant; the alcohol was on sale; I can charge that to my credit card.

Blind spending is mentally and emotionally challenging. You’re always running on empty. You never have enough for the things you actually need. You’re continually frustrated that you don’t make more money.

Try setting up a plan to strategically spend your income. (It really doesn’t take that much time or effort.) Add up the costs of your fixed expenses. Know what you can spend at your leisure while still growing your savings.

You may be surprised by what your money can do when it is spent mindfully.

Free Workshop – Join our free Simplify Money Workshop

The *only* way to save money is to spend less than you earn. That means you need to decrease your expenses or increase your income.

We want to help you do both.

What’s more? We’ve got a bunch of free money-hacks to share with you:

  • Hacks to lower your monthly bills
  • Hacks to spend less on debt
  • Hacks to start investing
  • Hacks to increase your income by $20/month (with no extra effort)

This workshop has everything you need to accomplish the cardinal rule of personal finance: keep your income over your expenses.

2. Excess Social Media


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