
Start Saving Money Fast When You Stop These Habits (money management advice from money savers)

Decluttering can actually do wonders for your savings account. As you declutter, you realize that a lot of the stuff you buy interferes with the function of your home. You realize that it is your stuff that causes a lot of unnecessary stress and irritation.

What’s more, stuff costs money!

As you open up space in your home, the desire to buy more stuff loosens its grip.

Because where is new stuff going to go? You finally got that area of the counter cleared and you love the functionality.

Try decluttering. You will save money as your home becomes functional, efficient, spacious, and easier to clean. How satisfying.

6. Not Noticing the Desire to Buy

To overcome your overspending habit, it’s important to be aware of your desire for more.

Notice what situations send you into a compulsive online shopping mode. Notice your emotional response to not allowing yourself to buy what you want.

Becoming more aware of these feelings, thoughts, and emotions are paramount to overcoming your overspending habit.

To deal with a challenging moment, know that your mental dialog (all of the blaming , complaining, etc) is feeding into your pain and making it worse. So you’ve got to drop the dialog.

A good way to shut down those thoughts is to turn your attention to whatever is happening now. Feel yourself breathing. Listen to the sounds around you. Turn your focus towards whatever you can sense right now. This quiets mental dialog.

When you can quiet the dialog, the challenging emotions pass through much more easily.

7. Assuming Things Will Not Change

Everything is changing. Nothing is fixed. On what basis can you draw the conclusion that, “it will always be this way?”

Stay curious. Be open to new money-making ideas. Investigate interesting opportunities. Maybe it’s an ad on the radio. Maybe it’s a co-worker talking about a book. Maybe it’s a continuing education opportunity.

When something has you feeling inspired, don’t shut it down. Notice that spark of curiosity and start investigating.

Things are always changing. Might as well guide change in the direction you prefer.

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