Health & Fitness

Strengthen Flabby Skin With These Amazing 5 Exercises

Losing weight is like only half the battle won. The other half is flabby skin. Skin that sags and hangs on to your body like a poorly draped curtain can be very hard to get rid of indeed! However, that’s no reason to be ashamed of it. Despite its appearance and the fact that it’s not easy to lose, exercises can still help you tighten loose skin. And so can diet! But diet alone won’t do anything, which makes exercising an absolute must. In this article, we’ll focus on exercises that’ll help you lose saggy skin from each body part. Check it out below-

1. Exercise For Your Abdomen

Abdominal flab is undoubtedly the worst one as it never allows you to wear your favorite dresses! Besides, nothing feels worse than losing weight and not getting those washboard abs you’ve been working so hard for. Don’t lose hope though. With the exercise we’re about to reveal, you’ll get toned abs as good as those of a model’s!

The exercise we’re talking about is the plank saw. You already know what the plank is. The plank saw is just a variation of it that’s slightly higher on the difficulty meter but very effective! Besides, this exercise will also help you improve your posture along with tightening the skin in your lower abdomen.

For this exercise, you’ll have to begin by positioning yourself tummy down on the floor with your arms resting on a mat and your elbows at a 90-degree angle as in a normal plank. Tuck your tummy in and raise your upper half and start walking with your feet pointing at your face. When you get into a triangle pose, walk back into the usual plank.

2. Exercise For Your Arms


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