
The 10 Best Health Podcasts for Women

When it comes to getting healthy, we want to surround ourselves with constant motivation, inspiration, and knowledge that help us to create the healthy lifestyle we want. And what better way to surround yourself with awesome information and inspiration than listening to the best health and fitness podcasts out there.

As an avid listener of podcasts and a woman concerned with health and wellness (both my own and that of my family), I have listened to A LOT of different health podcasts. But this list is comprised of the absolute best health podcasts for women in 2021.

Since being healthy is a lot more than just eating the right foods and moving enough, this list includes podcasts that cover all aspects of health: from physical wellbeing to mental health. You’ll find array of health podcasts that will help you feel better in your body and soul.
Let’s dive in!

The Food Psych

The Food Psych Podcast is, hands-down, one of the best health podcasts for women that exists. If you’re looking to heal your relationship with food, feel good in your own skin, and find true health and wellness then this podcast is for you.

The host, Christy Harrison, is a no-nonsense registered dietitian who promotes intuitive eating and Health At Every Size, two approaches that promote both mental and physical wellbeing.

As someone who has struggled with weight fluctuations and a fraught relationship with food, this podcast speaks to my soul. I’ve been binging every single episode and I’ve yet to listen to one that hasn’t rocked my world–in the best way possible. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

And her recent book Anti-Diet is purely mind blowing. One of the best books I’ve read to improve my health and wellness.

Great For: Breaking free from diet culture, getting in a healthy headspace, and learning to listen to your body.

Losing 100lbs


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