
The Best Natural Hair Dye For Grey Hair

If dyeing your grey with synthetic hair dye is one of your major challenges, you might be one of the many considering a natural hair dye.

Today I will show you how to make the hair dye, how to apply it, instructions, the pros, and cons.

So what is the best natural hair dye to cover grey hair?

Henna is the best natural hair dye so far if it comes to covering grey hair. It is very effective when combined with the partner Indigo. Apart from giving your hair a close shade natural black colour, it also improves hair strength, shines, and health.

The henna powder gotten from the Lawsonia Inermis plant is also known as Mehendi. It is a trendy colouring plant in India for temporary tattoos and hair colouring.

Unfortunately, the tutorial in this post is for people that want to colour their grey hair to a natural blending of black (Not total black)

NB: Henna hair dye will not lighten your hair; it will only darken and make your hair shinier.

How To Use (Step By Step Guide)

Our goal is to cover grey hair and make it blend with black hair. The tutorial you see here may be different from what you see elsewhere. But believe me, this method is tested, working, and trusted.

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