
The Ultimate List of Cheapest Food

Sticking to this List of Cheap Foods Will Help you Save Money

It seems like with every trip to the grocery store, extra dollars are added to my bill, even with fewer groceries in my cart. We’re seeing that food prices around the world are steadily increasing every single week!

I’ve always been frugal when it comes to grocery shopping, meal planning and cooking at home. But recently, I’ve had to stick to the bare minimum and the cheapest groceries at the grocery store. I’ve also been sticking to extremely budget-friendly recipes, and the cheapest food ideas, when meal planning!

What can I say? Right now, it’s all about how much you can stretch a dollar! Over the last year, I’ve been consistently meal planning around what’s cheap in the grocery, while trying to strike a balance with ensuring that my family eats healthily.

If you’re in the same boat where you’d like to get more for your money when it comes to your monthly food bill, I’d love to share all the cheap foods that we eat, my go-to cheap grocery list, and of course all of my budget grocery shopping tips!

According to an article by the USDA’s Economic Research Service, the food-at-home Consumer Price Index has increased 1.4% from June 2022 to July 2022 and was 13.1% higher than July 2021!

Food-at-home (grocery store or supermarket food purchases) prices have actually skyrocketed in the last year! The article goes on to explain that it is predicted that food prices will continue to increase over the course of the next year and beyond.

Add the fact that I haven’t received a raise in pay from my “9 – 5 job” in years, and you’ll see why I’ve been forced to buy the cheapest groceries and cook the cheapest foods!

Now that we’ve taken a look at the food price predictions, and we realize that we’re not going to see any price reductions soon, let’s look at our list of cheapest food and groceries!

15 Cheapest Food to Make when Money is Tight


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